How to Create Facebook Page

Facebook pages are a great way to connect with your fans, brand loyalists, promote your cause and there are even more reasons to create a Facebook page.

In this tutorial, we will learn to create a Facebook page.

To get started, we need a Facebook account.

1. Go to Create a Page section of the Facebook.

2. Select a parent category for your page from the predefined six. Currently, these include
i)   Local Business or Place
ii)  Company, Organization or Institution
iii) Brand or Product
iv) Artist, Band or Public Figure
v)  Entertainment
vi) Cause or Community

Create a Page - Facebook

3. Choose a sub category that matches your page after clicking on the drop down and give your page a name and address if you are a local business.

4. Finally, Click Get Started.

That's it. Your page is successfully created. Now follow the page tips before you start sharing it with your friends and fans.

Page Tips - Facebook

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