Browse Faster, Safer, Better with Brave browser

The web page load slow when there are ads on the loading page and the trackers violate users privacy. Up to 60% loading time takes to load ads and another 20% to load the trackers. The only way to get over the loading issue and protect your privacy is by using the Brave Browser. Brave browser blocks ads and trackers to provide fast browsing and protect users privacy. In addition to that, Brave integrates HTTPS Everywhere to its browser making your browsing secure. The application is provided by Brave and it is available for free in the Google Play Store with no In-app purchases. This application is previously known as Link bubble and it retains the bubbles feature making web pages load in the background. Browse faster, safer and better with the Brave browser. Great Day Readers! To get more insights into the application Brian Bondy responded with the answers. Brian Bondy (@brianbondy), he's the co-founder of Brave and also the Lead Developer at Brave. The int...