Marshmallow Launcher for your pre-Marshmallow device

As the name says Marshmallow Launcher is a launcher application that gives users Android M launcher experience. This application is offered by Launcher Group.

Marshmallow Launcher ScreenSimply launch the application the first time and it gives the app drawer a Marshmallow look. In addition to that, the search bar and most used applications are displayed and the users can choose to disable them in the settings.

The App drawer style can be changed to Vertical, List or Horizontal. The list option shows all the application with a-z sidebar. If you don't like to see certain applications, then the users can Hide Apps.

The users can alter Icon size and choose to display the icons name or change its color. Similarly, the layouts of folders and the icons displayed on the home screen can be altered in the Launcher Settings.

The background of a folder can be changed to a transparent Circle, white Circle or a Square. The icons inside a folder can be stacked or arranged in a grid fashion or in a line. The users can choose to use zoom or circle as their Transition animation when a folder is opened.

Using the Launcher Settings, the users can decide how many icons should be displayed in rows columns on the Home screen. The number of rows and columns can be varied between 3 to 6.

The widget drawer displays the all the applications that provide a widget in a vertical scrolling view and their widgets in a horizontal scrolling view. This feature is another imitation available from Android Marshmallow devices.

Three Icon packs are available for the users and can be downloaded from the Play Store.

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