Glympse Express Application Overview

Glympse Express is an easy way to share real-time location details with various types of contacts. The application is provided by Glympse.

Glympse Express Application Home ScreenGlympse Express is a sister application of Glympse application. Unlike the main application, this is a smaller version and only includes share location feature.

The application is simple to use. The users have to select an application and the amount of time they want to share the real-time location details. Then the Glympse Express creates a link and allows the users to share that specific link with their contacts.

Once the link is created, it can be shared via WhatsApp, Hangouts, Messenger. The user can also send an SMS or Email the link to their contacts or share the link on social networking sites like Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter.

The recipients will receive a link to a live map and the live map auto expires. The live map can be opened on any browser and the recipients don't need the Glympse application to view the live map.

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