Doze - For Better Battery Life Application Overview

Doze - For Better Battery Life is a battery saver application and it is provided by YirgaLab.

Data drains the battery and turned on for little longer the phone ends with a low battery sign. It is well known to smartphone users and this is where Doze mode comes to play its part. This feature is only available for Android users from Marshmallow but this application makes it available for pre-Marshmallow devices.

Doze Application Home ScreenThe Doze application reduces battery consumption when the phone is idle by blocking access to the network. The application does this by creating a VPN and without disconnecting the Wi-Fi or data connection.

Doze - For Better Battery has an active list and when other applications are added to it then they are allowed to access the network even in the doze mode.

The UI is clean and simple. The user can choose to auto quit doze mode when charging or connected to Wi-Fi from the settings.

The Doze application has Aggressive Mode option and when activated none of the applications are allowed to access the network unless they are opened.

Marshmallow devices enter doze mode after inactivity of 30 minutes. With this application, the users of the supported devices enter Doze mode as soon as the screen is off.

Whether this application overwrites doze mode in the Marshmallow devices or works parallel is a question I couldn't find an answer to. I know some of you have this question too. So, I've sent an email to the developers asking the question. If I get a response, I'll share it with you guys.

Update: I've received a reply from the developers and they've mentioned that the Doze application is an improved version of the Marshmallow's doze feature and works alongside. The following is their response.
"Doze app can work together with Doze feature. And Doze app is improved compared with Doze feature".

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